Monday, December 1, 2008

Starbucks' Warm Glow

Ok. I'll admit it. I am addicted to Starbucks. If this whole philanthropy thing doesn't end up working out, I am soooo cut out to work as a barista. My addiction is at a level where I define my seasons by the seasonal drinks that Starbucks serve: Summer = Green Tea Frappachino, Fall = Pumpkin Spice Latte, Winter = Holiday drinks!

With the holiday season upon us, Starbucks has released their ever popular holiday drinks. I LOVE the holiday drinks, and have a special soft spot for the Gingerbread Latte, as it was my inagural Starbucks drink and the drink that started my love affair with caffeine. As if they could get any better, this year the holiday drinks have an added bonus. Starbucks has partnered with (Project) Red in order to brighten the holiday season. (Starbucks) Red has decided to donate 5 cents to Project Red -- an organization that helps provide AIDS relief in Africa and has Bono as a front man -- for every holiday drink bought this season.

While 5 cents doesn't sound like a lot, there are three drinks to choose from at millions of locations across the US.

(Starbucks) Red is bringing a whole new meaning to the "warm glow" the holiday drinks bring every year.


SKN said...

I've noticed Starbucks is really promoting this all over Facebook, so I was inclinded to read some of the comments people were making. And while I understand that they will sell millions of these holiday drinks at millions of locations, 5 cents still feels like a small amount. Should Starbucks be doing more??? Is ProjectRED just a clever marketing idea or is it purely altrusitic on Starbuck's behalf? Should the company make a significant outright gift instead of tying it to sales?

social butterfly. said...

I agree to an extent...If I wasn't blinded by sheer holiday drink bliss, I would probably agree more.

However, a significant outright gift on Starbucks' part would raise a lot less awareness than tying it to holiday drink sales. Maybe as the size of the drink increases, the amount donated should increase. Maybe I should work for Starbucks philanthopic arm and combine two of my passions?!

Life. Solved.

KJA said...

You guys know what a Starbucks maniac I am, but I get seriously annoyed every morning (yes, EVERY morning) when I'm subjected to their 20 second spiel, asking me to buy a drink I simply do not want!!! And I know it's for a good cause!! I'm with Sarah -- I think they're doing themselves more good than ProjectRED.